Thursday, June 25, 2009

I sit, tonight, in my sweltering apartment having decided NOT to go to the gym. Now, I know what you'll say..."But Courtney! How will you lose weight if you don't exercise!?!"...and you're absolutely right. THIS is probably why I've had such a hard time losing weight for the Tonight is typical of many such nights I've had; it's hot and humid outside, I'm tired from a hectic day at work, my gym clothes need to be washed, dinner filled me up and zapped my energy (thank you, Mr. Potato), and from my cushy spot here on the couch, in front of the fan, absolutely NOTHING is less enticing to me right now than the thought of shuffling through the sauna we're currently calling "outside" to a crowded, smelly gym. House Hunters is on HGTV, and I'm not going anywhere.

I will, however, blog about it...and maybe that'll help me reach some conclusions about why I get in my own way and why I'm so damn lazy sometimes. So here we go...

I've been doing relatively well with my eating plan for the last week. I spent last weekend at my aunt's house, which is big and beautiful and has a magnificent kitchen. Another important quality it has is isolation. There is absolutely no grocery store or restaurant within walking distance. When I arrived for the weekend, my cousin and I made one grocery stop, where I stocked up on kale, spring mix, soysage and shrimp. I spent the weekend cooking for myself and eating proteins and greens. I drank tons of water, felt fully satisfied, and by the end of the weekend I'd lost about 3 lbs.

Coming back to the city was an instant challenge. I hadn't eaten anything all day by the time I my train made it back into Center City. I was hungry and I didn't feel like cooking for it was off to Chili's. I had a black bean burger (pretty ok) with cheese (bad call) and french fries (just plain stupid)...but I did only eat half the fries (mildly redemptive).

So that was the weekend, and the work week has been...strange. Mostly good, I'd say. I've not gone off the deep end with food. I haven't ordered Chinese (though I've been VERY tempted to). I haven't purchased a large box of Entemanns chocolate donuts to keep in my bottom desk drawer to eat when I'm peckish (as I've been known to last week). I haven't come home and prepared and eaten an entire box of Mac N' Cheese (again, like I did last week). All in all, progress, I feel.

My efforts with exercise have been sporadic. Here and there. I HAVE been making the's just been like pulling teeth. It feels lately like it's been taking enormous effort just to get myself through the gym door. This isn't how it should be. I should be excited. I should be revved up. I've got 80 lbs. to lose. I have a personal trainer (albeit a once a month trainer). I pay good money to use this gym...I need to actually USE it!! And so, tonight, like many other nights, I make the pledge...I WILL go to the gym tomorrow! The plan right now is to lay out my gym clothes, get to bed early, and get to the gym early tomorrow morning. I think that maybe, with the weather as hot as it is, I'm likely to keep avoiding the gym at the end of the day. The solution to my laziness may be to get the whole thing out of the way in the morning so that I can relax after work without feeling the pressure to journey to the gym.

I want to apologize for my blog being less than thrilling right now....I know it's more of a catalogue of food and work outs and plans, but...well...that's what I need to be doing right now, and to tell you the truth, I think it really helps to be putting it down on (virtual) paper.

I'm also going to start keeping and updating my stats here they are:

Start Weight: 224
Today's Weight: 221

Today's Food: One soft pretzel
One boca chick'n patty, 1/2 cup light whipped cottage cheese, 2 tbsp.
16 Wheat thins
one stick string cheese
2 cups sauteed cabbage, one medium potato
60 oz. H20

Today's Exercise: Epic Fail

Most interesting thing I saw today: A homeless man sitting on Broad Street, playing peek-a-boo with no one in particular.

That's all for tonight, folks. Thanks for reading. Hope y'all have a wonderful night :)

~ Courtney
in particular

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